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We'll need to address something right away, Joann. Unfortunately, we've reached the "now or never moment" for you to claim your Secret Wheel of 13 Revelations, Joann. After today, the advantageous energies that have surfaced for your November 17th birth chart will slip away like quicksilver from the palm of your hand. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to curb the negative influence that keeps disturbing multiple aspects of your life. So for one last time, I'll have to insist that you make an important choice concerning your luck today. These facts should help you arrive at your decision... Often the choices we make end up making or breaking us...don't they, Joann? In the past, you've inadvertently avoided confronting some significant choices, haven't you? Running away from reality has stagnated your progress and kept you from living a prosperous life. And I'd like to attempt to change that once and for all! Let me help you emerge from this inability to make a positive change in your life (like I've helped so many others). Here before me lies a supreme esoteric practice that'll direct you to a beautiful new and more successful world...the kind of world you were originally destined to live in. I wish to get you closer to the abundant future you deserve. I've worked towards that goal ever since our first interaction on May 2, 2017. Let's settle this injustice you've been suffering together! Your Cosmic Guide, Bethea |

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